

Why IterativeStyles?

The idea for this came out of my interest in good design. The templates and editor on the home page were specifically inspired by style guides that companies and brands use to keep a consistent look and tone across different forms of media. I decided to narrow my focus on web design with this project because I am passionate about creating well-designed and functional websites. I wanted to help people at the same time, particularly high school students who are just getting started with web design or development. This is why IterativeStyles is a web-based tool, more than just a static website full of an overwhelming amount of text and information. So not only would this be a great project for my senior thesis, but also a great addition to my portfolio.

Who is the target audience?

This tool was made for those who do not have a lot of experience with web design or graphic design, this is specifically made with high school students in mind. That being said, others can certainly benefit from this tool as well.

How was this made?

There are a number of tools I used to create this website, some of which I only used in earlier stages of the web-tool’s creation. The tools I used for this current version of IterativeStyles are Visual Studio Code, Github, Git, Adobe Color, Google Docs, and Trello. This project is coded by hand using HTML, CSS, and Javascript but it also relies on the Google Fonts API for various fonts used. The previous semi-functional version of IterativeStyles was done through WordPress and interactivity was added through a code snippets plugin. Before that stage of the project, I had used Wix to establish the overall layout and design of the website.

Some things to keep in mind

IterativeStyles was designed with the intention of being accessed through laptops and desktops, not tablets and certainly not phones. Therefore, the site may never fully function as intended on other devices and sizes. In addition, IterativeStyles is being developed all on my own so updates may not come as quickly and remember that I am still working on things when I can.

There is a website dedicated to this thesis project located here.